Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Berbedak Attires

The Traditional Berbedak Attire

During a bride's Majlis Malam Berbedak, its almost a followed tradition to wear red attire, covered with red Jong-Sarat as a Pengapit, Full traditional head gear costume jewellery which comes with matching bracelets, anklets and necklaces. Yet nowadays, although the traditional costume jewellery is accustomed to be part of a bride's berbedak ceremony, the colour of the attire and jong-sarat will vary depending on the bride and her family. I have come across plentiful of brides who have opted to wear the traditional red on their berbedak ceremony and look stunning as ever. The brides attire for that night may be of various types of material. Some opt for the traditional songket and some wear lace. The smarter brides often buy their own plain red material (Thai Silk being a great choice), design a simple baju kurung with beads and embroidery then send it to their dress-makers. This way the bride can also use this attire at another function in the future. Although these brides who choose to wear the traditional red attire for their berbedak, some of them prefer a different touch by changing the colour of their Pengapit. Instead of red jong sarat, they would wear either gold, yellow or even orange jong-sarat with their red attire.

Traditional Red on Red

Red On Red

Two Toned
Traditional Red with Lighter-coloured Pengapit

A handful of brides who like to be different but still hold on to their tradition, opt for colours that they feel more comfortable in or colours that compliment them better. Many have worn Green as their attire and topped it off, depending on the shade of green with either a lighter or darker green jong sarat or to create a more stunning look, their green attire is topped off with a yellow-gold jongsarat.

Green on Green

Green Songket with Black lace, topped off with a silver cream jongsarat

Green and Gold

Green and Gold

Besides red & green being the top colours to wear during a berbedak ceremony, other pastel colours have also been opted by some brides and they have topped their pastel coloured attires with striking coloured jong-sarats, which in my opinion is very exquisite looking.

Pastel with a touch of tradition

Pastel Songket with Red Jong Sarat

Light Green with Red

Ayu in her Pastel Songket

Eliza in light green songket topped with her red jongsarat

And finally, the first ever berbedak ceremony with the bride in blue caught my attention. A very regal colour. The bride topped her attire off with a maroonish-gold jongsarat. This bride actually had to opportunity to take pictures with her groom as their berbedak ceremony was celebrated together.

The Blue Bride

The Blue Berbedak Couple